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School Information


Limehurst Academy operates with a Pupil Admission Number (PAN) of 130 for year 7 entry, and a capacity of 130 in all other year groups.  This is reflected in the policies below.

Admissions Appeals

If you wish to appeal against an Admissions decision, please use our Appeals Form.

In-year (mid-term) applications

If you wish to move your child to Limehurst Academy during the school year, you should apply for a place by visiting Leicestershire County Council Admissions page.  See below for the relevant policy.

If you would like to have a discussion prior to your application, please contact Ann Parker at or on 01509 263444.

Current Admissions Policy (Current Years 7-11)

admissions 2024-25

Admissions Policy for places in August 2025 (Current Year 6)

Admissions 2025-26

Oversubscription Criteria: A Summary

If Limehurst Academy is oversubscribed, it will maintain a clear, fair and objective waiting list. Priority will continue to be based upon the oversubscription criteria. These are summarised below:

1. Looked After Children
2. Children with siblings at the school
3. Children living in Limehurst’s catchment (see map below)
4. Children attending a feeder school to Limehurst (see list below)
5. Children of staff
6. Children who live nearest to the school

Our feeder schools are Cobden, Loughborough CoE, Rendell & Robert Bakewell.

Children with EHCPs where Limehurst is named will be offered a place if their needs can be met.