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British Values 

At Limehurst we are focused on preparing our young people for life in modern Britain.  In line with recent guidance on promoting British values our school’s ethos and curriculum ensures pupils understand the importance of respect, tolerance and understanding.  We work hard to ensure that a strong Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural ethos is firmly embedded in all aspects of school life.

Our pupils have a pride in the diverse nature of our school and this is supported in our Ofsted report of 2013 which stated that ‘Students’ appreciate, value and promote the school’s rich multicultural diversity.’

The importance of Britain as a country that respects diversity and uses the law to underpin the rights of its citizens to have different faiths, beliefs and views is clearly addressed.

We strongly encourage the importance of pupil voice and our pupils feel confident in expressing themselves in a variety of ways.  They are able to work with independence, as well as with others to gain personal insight and the necessary social skills that enable them to take part in society, both in and out of school. To this end we have a strong, democratically elected School Council that successfully allows full pupil participation. Pupils also in Personal Development sessions have taken part in mock elections where they are able to put forward and defend differing viewpoints.

Our curriculum also includes opportunities for pupils to gain insight into the way the democratic process works and the importance of our system of law and order.  Key topics explore issues of conflict, racism and intolerance and allow pupils to discuss and reflect on the impact of these issues and offers examples of how they can be resolved.  They understand that it is clear that some views are unacceptable and that prejudicial or discriminatory behaviour should be actively challenged.

Pupils learn about themselves, their histories, beliefs, cultures, values and those of others.  They have a pride in themselves and a sense of belonging to the wider community and to the country in which they live.